
Infectious Love

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Section 1-OVERVIEW


The term love to most bring about the usual generic images or thoughts of waking up next to that special someone who instantly brightens your day, Walking along the beach with hand in hand and knowing that you would be content to just keep walking forever, laying in a field beneath a star filled sky and yet not looking up but looking beside you at something far more beautiful and mysterious.

But what do you know about love? I understand this question may be somewhat confusing to some, so allow me to be more specific.

What is it and How does it work?

Well ladies and gentleman I am here to answer those questions.

Love simply put is a type of virus. More elegantly put it is the virus, It sits atop the apex for it’s the most advance, most complex, and by far the most dangerous.

It has always been a grey area as to whether viruses are sentient, they push forward to continue their existence by any means necessary, they adapt to their surroundings, to some they are classified as alive, yet they are not viewed as sentient.
This is where the “Love” virus differs greatly, but as to not get ahead of myself I will finish up the overview before I delve into that subject.


Due to moral and legal reasons I feel it is only right that I inform you that what you are about to read is pure conjecture to the mainstream scientific community, It would presumably be classified as Fringe science at best. So take what you will from these findings and decide for yourself.
Also due to the nature of this paper and its contents you may notice the accurate explanation of familiar/popular sayings on the subject of “Love” I will attempt to mark these for you with <insert saying>.

“The heart wants what the heart wants for reasons the mind knows not”

Section 2-INTRO

As to not exclude anyone from the understandings of this subject,
I will give you a quick study on virology (explain basic components of a virus and how they work)

What is a virus?
Viruses come in a variety of shapes and sizes but all are either DNA or RNA based at their core, the core is surrounded by the capsid (shell) which is made of protein, and then some viruses are surrounded in a lipid membrane (sack)

What do they do?
Viruses are transmitted in a variety of ways but once inside the (new host) they quickly find a healthy cell to infect, They do this so they can use the functions of the healthy cell (machinery) and rewire it to produce the necessary components to replicate themselves.

How do they do it?
They use the nodes on the end of their protein capsid (shell) to feel for a viable host cell, they then either inject the core (genetic instruction) to the host cell. Or those of them surrounded in the lipid membrane (sack) use it to dissolve into the cell, once the virus replicas have finished their incubation period, they either break open the host cell thereby destroying it, or they pinch (squeeze out) and are enveloped in a lipid membrane. The cycle then starts over.


As I hinted to in the overview, yes the “Love” virus is indeed sentient. No two versions of the virus are exactly alike, it is in a constant state of change or flux, this is done by either by mutation, evolution, or intermixing with another strain of the virus. So therefore understanding and anticipating its motivations and reasons for doing what it does is near impossible. So in this paper we will cover the basic premise understood by the research thus far.

This is something that must be stated right away, you are now and have been infected since the moment you were born this virus is hereditary and is passed down through offsprings. Most people who are infected have at a stage of viral latency. (virus is dormant) It is believed that in order for the virus to actuate (start) it needs a certain catalyst (the catalyst most often being the subject’s first prolonged exposure to another with a virus with similar genetic markings to their own). If and when the two subjects separate the virus will eventually become latent (dormant) again.
As printed above love virus have countless variations, but for ease of explanation we will start off with the two basic categories and how they differ.

Symbiotic – Peaceful (does not destroy host cells), DNA based, slow incubation and infection rate, stable (long lifespan, prone to evolve rather than mutate) housed in lipid membrane (sack used to dissolve into host cell) constructive in the sense it is predisposed to phenotype mixing (merging with host’s virus to create something stronger and more effective), Passive (handles defense) susceptible to UV light.

Parasitic – Intrusive, (destroys cell host) RNA based, Fast incubation and infection rate, unstable (short lifespan prone to mutate rather than evolve), no lipid membrane (inject itself into host cell) destructive in the sense it will attack host’s virus regardless of consequence, Aggressive (handles offence) Susceptible to alkaline acids.

*Note – Those who have this virus will have both the Parasitic and Symbiotic cells in them, and they will shift along with the virus due to the hierarchal state of their internal system, (the parasitic will sometimes fight the symbiotic for control of the host and vice versa) and not only does the fight take place with the subjects own virus, they can and are susceptible to attacks from other hosts (people) virus’s. (This will be covered in more detail further on in the report)
In this section we will cover how the virus is transmitted from one host to another.

Due to the highly evolved/mutated nature of this virus it has learned throughout time how to attack human beings by any one or all of their five senses. Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, Taste.

Taste – This type of transmission is most commonly achieved by saliva exchange/transfer. (kissing, sharing food)

Smell – The body will produce and secrete a pheromone that is intended to lure in potential hosts, this is also sometimes accompanied by a type of synthetic pheromone that the host applies (musk, perfume, cologne) in order to amplify its effectiveness.

Sound – The virus will alter the vocal cords of its current host to emit a certain decibel level that will only be heard by viable host within the vicinity. In turn those that do hear it will have had their virus alter the eardrum in its own host to pick up any potential signals.

Touch – The body will secrete an mineral based liquid upon the skin it does this to protect the DNA based virus from UV light and the RNA virus from any alkaline chemicals, The virus then often times slows blood flow to the hosts hand, the host then naturally uses this extremity in order to re-establish circulation to it, often by grasping and squeezing the hand of the other potential host thereby infecting them.  (Holding hands)

Sight – The virus will attempt to mirror the strain of its target to either make itself a compatible match for the DNA or to bait the RNA into attacking. This matching either occurs naturally, or is induced and builds up over time. (Patients reported that they had known a specific subject for an extended period of time but then one day “as if by magic everything just clicked” “It was like I was really seeing her for the first time”.

It should be stated that this virus is also special in the way that It can be special/unique as far as how many ways it infects people, similar to blood types. A Subject may have a strain that is high in sound and sight based transmission and low in the touch, smell, and taste, this is based on the genetics of the viruses originating host. Also it is not uncommon for a virus to re-infect a person regularly and without repeated exposure will delude and fade from the potential hosts system. On the other end of the spectrum there are those whose strains after exposure once will stick with a subject until the day they die.


In this section we will describe what happens once you have been either infected or your virus has been activated.

The host’s original virus while active and not in conflict with an invading strain will split into the two sides, parasitic and symbiotic. Once it has split each one will attempt to control one or more of the three “key points”. The Mind, The Body, The Heart.

Due to observation thus far and the basic nature of this virus it is assumed the scale/order/hierarchy of the “key points” goes as follows.


The mind tells the body, the body tells the heart, the heart tells the mind.

*Note – Once again as stated each virus is different and therefor will act differently so for explanation sake we are covering the most common traits of the virus.

Subject are usually categorized by what type of virus hold the majority of the “key points”, parasitic or symbiotic.

Only on a small scope does it really matter what category subjects fall into but the effects can often be seen on a larger scale.

Parasitic based hosts will often be more polygamous, this is done due to the fact the host has a drive to infect numerous others. While Symbiotic based hosts tend to be monogamous, this is done due to the fact that their virus is prone to phenotype mixing (co-evolving/merging with another virus).

Although infection is a normal part of any other virus please remember that with this specific virus if a host is being infected then (they by association) their virus is attempting to infect the subject who infected them. (Exchange of viruses).
So while being infected the subjects system is being defensive and offensive.

Defensive against invading Symbiotic viruses
The host’s body takes in more UV light and in holding it in attempts to kill off more of the DNA based virus (Symbiotic). <You have a glow about you when they’re around>

Defensive against invading Parasitic viruses
The host’s body attempts to flush itself with alkaline through sweat in attempts to kill off more of the RNA based virus (Parasitic). <She makes me hot/I feel all warm and fuzzy when I’m near him>

The host’s RNA based virus (Parasitic) replicates at a rapidly quickening rate in preparation to invade/infect a new host, The carriers mind will often interpret this feeling as cold or chills the natural reaction will be to seek warmth in the immediate vicinity of others (new viable hosts).
If the Virus is able to find/sense another viable host in the area and if the current host is increasing in distance from them, The DNA based virus (symbiotic) attacks the red blood cells in their body, thereby causing less oxygen to be carried to the brain, effecting equilibrium and making them dizzy and disoriented effectively slowing them down or stopping them, allowing the new potential host to close the proximity gap. <I feel like I’m falling for you/She makes my head spin>

While in either a defensive or offensive state it is observed that the addition of auditory stimulation (music) can amplify the effectiveness of the virus, this can and is often followed by various bodily convulsions while in close proximity to one or more viable hosts (dancing) It is unclear at this time why this phenomena occurs.

Section 5.B-PROCESS
Once an invading virus enters the subjects system it moves to the cerebrum. (brain) and will typically be led by the Parasitic cells due to their fast replication rate, it will then proceed to produce various proteins and peptides in the cerebral cortex. It does this in order to activate various sections of the brain and therefore disorient the mind of the host. (If observed by a third party this can often be misdiagnosed as a psychotic break) as the minds synapsis are firing at random. In this ensuing chaos the virus is able to begin its reproduction. <Love drives you crazy>. Once it has taken the brain it will undergo a transformation (mutation/evolution) the new cells will stay in the brain while the old will continue on through the cerebellum (back of the brain) and on to the spinal cord so it can infect the body. Yet while in the cerebellum it can sometimes affect the sections of it that add minor control to the host audible speech <Talking to her makes me tongue tied>. If this does occur the effects are often short term and often pass momentarily.
On through the spinal cord the virus travels and disperses itself throughout the body/limbs of the host. While it navigates the system it will undergo yet another transformation it will leave sects/groupings of these new cells in pockets scattered in the central pathways of the body. It will then regroup the majority of the original cells at a specific location before moving on to the heart. It has been noted that in most cases if the subject is male the virus will regroup at the abdomen (stomach), if the subject is female however the relocation point seems to be random. <The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach>. On occasion if the host has eaten food high in alkaline the Parasitic cells will die off thereby forcing the sects left throughout the body to increase production in attempts to make it through to the heart, It has been reported by the subject that during this time they feel fluctuating stomach pains and shifts. <Feeling of lovesickness>.

Once the virus makes it past and through the body it arrives at the atria of the heart (receiving valve). At this time it will undergo its last transformation before it attempts to take control. Once the invading virus has taken the heart they attack the organ directly. This action is observed and found to be an ingenious trait for the virus to have. It will eat away at a specific (non-vital) sections of the heart, it will then bind itself into the vacant space, it does this in order to protect itself from attack. If attacked and the “key point” of the heart is taken the virus will die and therefor with pieces that it had bound itself to will be destroyed and the heart itself will be damaged irreversibly. <My heart broke when you left> (Think of this as a failsafe, or trap) If and when the virus is able to bind to the heart is able to reproduce by mitosis (splitting/cloning and no longer needs to infect host cells, this is often the point when it metastasizes. Also it is observed that if and when a separation occurs in some cases the subjects heart will attempt to heal itself by way of fibrosis tissue (scars) this often causes the subjects to report an increased weight load within their chest. <My heart is heavy with regret>

And that is how The virus infects the system. From there the host’s virus will often retreat to the outskirts of the “key points” and build its numbers prior to attempting to re-take its original host.

Whether or not the original virus attacks the invader a struggle will continue, either original vs invading, or invading parasitic vs invading symbiotic.


Now that one or all of the “key points” are taken we will focus on what the transformed cells in the points do, how they attack from the point, and how they defend it.

Brain – These cells take on an appearance of a spider like object. They have a larger head (part that houses either RNA or DNA) at their center and are surrounded by tail fibers. (legs that help it cling to healthy cells) They do this as to move swiftly thought the more delicate sections of the brain.

Body - These cells end up looking like something similar to worms. They do this by extending the head into a tube shape and having short tail fibers covering them. They do this as to be carried faster through the bloodstream

Heart- These cells transform into what look like ants. They gain a large base plate (mouth) on their head and develop few tail fibers. They keep a small size and have a wider base plate so they can cling to the insides of the heart and not be carried off through the arteries (outgoing pipes of the heart)

Section 5.D-“KEY POINTS”

Now we will cover how each “key point” defends from the previous and attacks the next.

Brain attacks the Body – The virus alters the pituitary gland and reduces the endorphins to the body giving it less energy and making it more susceptible to an attack. <I’m caught in the web of love>
Body attacks the Heart – The virus clusters together in the lungs and or stomach causing either breathing problems and/or odd abdominal feelings making the heart and the lack of oxygen makes the heart palpitate (beat) faster to make up for the error. The excessive beating makes it pull in more blood, therefore makes it pull in more of the virus. <you took my breath away/I feel butterflies in my stomach>

Heart attacks the Brain – Heart decreases blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain (thought centers) and during the host’s mental lull, the virus moves to attack the brain. <When I think of you my heart skips a beat>

Brain defends from the Heart – The brain increases dopamine production and causes the heart to beat quickly making it more difficult for the invading virus to grow in number. <When I think of you my heart races>
Body defends from the Brain – The virus will trigger pain receptors on the skin near scar tissue and they in turn will activate the medial temporal lobe (memory banks) and the mind will induce thought/memory and will have to re-boot before attempting to attack the body again <Sometimes love bites>

Heart defends from the Body – The heart will contract or tighten the chordae tendineae (tendons connecting heart muscles to heart valves)  this causes the heart to shut all valves at once and reset. <You pull at my heart strings>

Along with the above there are numerous other threats, once again for explanation sake we will give you the most common example.

The longer you are in contact with someone the longer your strains have to create a temporary pairing, when and if a paring occurs the strains will activate various opioid receptors in the competing viruses vessel. (long term exposure causes irreversible damage to both parties systems, and will modify their current strains forever) If and when two subjects separate there is often an initial period (length of which depends on how long they were each exposed to one another) where their system will go through a detox and they will naturally seek out the same chemicals to induce in themselves those same receptors, for most this is often either an ethanol, or glucose based substance. (Jack Daniels, Ice cream)

Other than the chemical changes a subject’s overall behavioral patterns can also be modified during prolonged exposure periods, though in a growing number of cases it has been reported that daily routines, personality, and demeanor have change almost instantly.

Section 6-STAGES

This illness is one of the worst for a reason, it is often terminal when and if it reaches malignancy.
The five stages are as follows and are named thusly due to the fact of the viruses lethality.

Denial - Once the host is aware their strain has been activated.

Anger - Once the “key point” of the mind is taken.

Bargaining - Once the “key point” of the heart/last “key point” is about to be taken.

Depression - While the virus attempts to bind with the heart.
Acceptance - Once the binding has completed.
Please remember due to the fact that there are countless strains of the virus that no two infections are the same, the severity of each case will depend on an array of contributing factors. But as to date it is believed that the initial infection (First Love) is often the most sever and therefore the effects of that particular infection/outbreak/exposure will be carried with the host for the foreseeable future, This is due to how the brains receptors react to the initial increases or decrease of the chemical compounds. (this will be explained further in the next section)

It has also been observed that a subject can be infected by a person and the infector can leave for what appears to be an open ended period of time and in these cases. (The invading virus can itself become dormant) And when the original infector returns they will often be the catalyst needed to re-activate their own virus inside of the host. “When he came back into my life it was magical, it was instant, I couldn’t believe it the spark was still there, almost as if it had never left”


Here are some other symptoms that have been reported and cataloged in a growing number of cases and what is believed to have caused them.

“ I feel like singing/screaming from the rooftops” - It is assumed that while the “key point” of the brain is held by the original virus and the rest are held by an invading one, the host will yell, scream, roar, sing in order to flush the system by way of expanding the lungs by filling them with air, constricting the muscles of the body, thereby increasing the BPM (beats per minute) of the heart, and thus pushing the invading virus to the brain where the original may attack it.

“She is perfect” – Once the virus has taken hold in the brain it will stimulate the Insular cortex (section of the brain that helps control awareness) and will focus on the supportive aspects of the infector, therein distracting the host from seeing any dangers that may be associated with being around the infector. (Effectively making them blind to any faults or less than favorable attributes). It has been reported that once they pairing of the two subjects falls away, the infected party gains substantial clarity over its own previous interactions with the infecting party. “I was blind to all his flaws/ I guess I just didn’t want to see them”

“I can’t get enough of her/ I’m a wreck without them” – In these cases the host has been infected with a strain that is an unstable parasitic (RNA based) virus. Due to the instability of the virus it will either attack, defend, block, or stimulate various sections of the brain at random. This can cause everything from anxiety, despair, euphoria, over and under and over eating along with over and under sleeping. During these cases it is studied that the same sections of the brain activate as when observing a drug addict.

“I care about him so much/I would die for her” – This occurs when the virus zeroes in on and overtakes the limbic system of the brain (controls self-preservation). The infected host will willingly place themselves into harm’s way in order to protect the infecting party should danger be sensed, regardless of personal safety. This is believed to be an elusive strain where the primal instinct is induced in the host to protect the source virus (similar to how ants will sacrifice themselves for the queen).

*Note – Due to the unfortunate contents of this paper I would hope you do not just write this illness off as a death sentence with no beneficial repercussions to the host, for this is simply not the case.

It has been recorded that over 85% of those who have been infected and were able to fight off said infection or have it die out, have reported a variation of the following quote. “For all the hardships and arguments, the mental anguish and torment I would not trade a second of it for anything” Regardless of any physical or mental torment the host endure they are still believed to be linked with the cause of said torment (the invading virus/the infector) this is believed to be for two reasons whose effects have already been studied thoroughly. The first being Stockholm syndrome (The psychological phenomena when traumatic bonding occurs where strong emotional ties develop between two individuals when one harasses, beats, abuses, intimidates, threatens or harms the other either physically, mentally or emotionally.) The other reason being due to the bond formed during the initial infection period, Not unlike how drug abusers recall their first hit, toke, dose, or high as being the best and most memorable. This is due to the fact the sensors in the host’s system (prior to contraction/activation of the virus) are largely undamaged and therefor process the chemicals the most efficiently, during the inaugural processing it is reported that 30-40% of the receptors are burnt out/destroyed. So any processing that takes place thereafter will do so with damaged and impaired processers, also any further exposures will aid in the degradation of the system sensors/processors.


Now as stated earlier in the disclaimer what you have read thus far HAS indeed been conjecture but one thing is FACT.

This virus has no cure, antidote, medicine, remedy, treatment, or vaccine.
You can’t be inoculated, and you cannot be immune.

Like it or not you are already infected with a unique strain of this virus all your own,

look into the mirror and say hello to patient zero.

To all who have made it through this grueling read I wish to thank you and look forward to hearing your opinions on this matter.

To those of you who have yet to be infected, I wish to express my apologies for not being able to accurately describe to you what you are in for. (I would say be ready but, you won’t be, that’s the beauty of this virus)
To those who are currently infected I wish you only the best future, I hope you live a long happy life with your illness and your infector. (Significant other)
To those who may be still suffering the effects from the parting of their infector (partner) and to whom the viral deficiency may be causing a type of mental despair, I would like to tell you that there are a numerous amount of viable and willing hosts to infect in the general population. (Plenty of fish in the sea).

And to those who are still reading looking for their sections acknowledgment or thanks, or those who are just skimming through I would like to advise you to find someone worth being infected by.
“A life without the struggle of loss, the torment of change, and the hurt of love, is a life only half lived”
a theoretical study of a theoretical theory of mine.
© 2015 - 2024 peanutman27
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